miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2009

Heya, it’s been a while. So many things have been happening.

I got a nice little photo of more interesting food, I mean how weird can ordering a chicken be? So when I ordered the half a chicken, I literally got and chicken cut in two and cooked. I had a go at eating it’s brain!!! Muahahaha, didn’t notice anything since it was sooo small, didn't want to touch any more of the head and I just left the feet alone. :S Apart from that, good chicken. This one seemed like it must have been cooked for hours n hours, the meat literally fell off if I touched it with my chopsticks.

I thought I’d get some more photos of the food I bought to cook at home, these white things in the bowl are rice muched up into balls with a black been that looks like sesame seeds crushed up into a paste on the inide, but it was sweet, they must have added sugar or something. There’s also a lovely photo of me eating one to show the functions hehehe.

Me and Louis went froa wonder around to see th old part of the town, it looks more like I imagined China, though Shanghai isn’t very old, about 2 hundred years old so the buildings they have there look quite modern and there aren’t many traditional Chinese styled buildings.

We also went to a great little market place which stank and no wonder, there were loads of fish stools. Sadly I didn’t have my camera, but Louis got some photos. They had slabs of wood with chopped up fish on and blood everywhere, looked like a mini massacre hehe. Was very interesting seeing all the fish in tanks….some out of tanks splashing around on the floor hehe.

It was cool seeing all the different clothes stools and experiencing that atmosphere.

There were some very cool fruit in the green grocers which I’ve had my eye on buying for a while. If anyone’s played the Legend of Zelda they will find the bomb shaped fruit very funny! I also bought this spiked thing. They are both kinda similar to lichi on the inside, though the bomb has a lot less insides.

It was aron’s Birthday, so Louis had a great idea of what to get him, we went out and bought a little shin chan model and the others in the studio made some lasses for him so now it dos actually look just like him hehehe and with army clothes on since he’s very interested in that sort of thing.

On the trip to Shanghai we went to the shopping mall and got some photos of the more interesting things.

Warren (Wong I lei) Calvin and Xiao Fei took me to Nanjing to sort out my visa, also I got to see the place and take some photos, though my phone camera was full and I didn't bring the cable to upload the photos to my laptop so I only managed to get to photos. I will be going again so I’ll have a chance to show more photos. The place is very big and quite industrialized though there were very traditional areas that looked just how I would have imagined old china to look like. It was fantastic, I will be going back there and buying a carved stamp to personalize my work. Don’t know if to use my English name in Chinese characters or my Chinese name Jenny gave me….King Kong (Jing Gong) ¬_¬;

I also grabbed a photo of a bowl full of glass ornaments which looked like the star bits from the Mario Galaxy game, now I know where Nintendo went for inspiration hehehe.

Christmas came though naturally they don’t celebrate it too much, I decorated my area with a mini Santa hat and cards that I received and of course a hot lady dressed in a Santa hat for the desktop of my computer.

The whole studio was decorated with new years banners with the symbol of the tiger. They are also selling a lot of tigger cuddly toys in the super markets.

With Birthday money and Xmas money I got myself a big Tv for my room, but wow it wasn’t very expensive, sure it’s not a Samsung, but a samsing and its huge at the back, but it does the job for whenever I need a relaxing gaing session at the weekend or when I have time.

I had to change the layout of the room to fit it accordingly, here’s some photos of that. Oh and me posing as someone wanted to see my new hair cut.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

Walking around in search of a SIM....

Ono Decided to wash the dog, so naturally she finds the dirtiest area on the balcony an wipes herself against it. Later that day we went off in search of sim cards for our phones and on the way we see two old people using a really odd way of creating popcorn. Didn't know what it was at firt, old man just turning this heavy cast iron tea pot shaped thingy on a spit roast then they pick it up, put one end near a bag and BOOM! it explodes scaring the s*** outta me. We got a photo later on of the exploding popcorn.

Near the apartment where we spend most of our sleeping nights there's what looks like a mini park/gym for old people, like the ones in Spain, some things like the pull up bar are cool, so I had a little work out with the old people in the morning, Im determined to find soeon who does kung fu, maybe an old master?

Later on Louis thought it was a good idea to go on the roof, so we al went up, you get a great view of Shanghai from up there, would be awesome to draw, I plan to do that one sunday!! :D

We found this other park with a pipe in covered up to keep warm, first time we all saw it we thought it was a small boy crying against the wall o I thought it funny to get some photos near it haha.

Big update

Haven't updated in a while, been mainly working and the free time I have had I spent in the city centre.

At the end of the week before last, I think, we all decided to go out and celebrate the trailer being completed so we went to a very interesting restaurant There were fake trees, fake bamboo and giant mushrooms to eat under
. It was our first real hot pot experience in china. So daring were we that we had ordered some wierd eel like fish, tasty bacon, chicken wings,pig insides, meat ball thingies with squirty juice inside. The name come after the sound it makes when you bite it and all the liquid gets squirted on the wall (like what happened to me) or over the person sitting next to you. A good hot pot meal isn't complete without of course, pig's brain. That was.....interesting, I have some photos of that . The texture is like biting into a foamy, disolving bit of meat. The thought of eating brain kinda puts me off aswell. :S

Me and Louis discovered this amazing little park, great place to visit, sit down on the grass and enjoy the sun. What's funny is there are a lot of todlers walking around with these odd trousers with big holes in the back which are there for easy pooing access :S .....lovely.... O_o...

When we went to Shanghai city centre to watch the film 2012 we saw this guy holding up puppies by their feet and brushing them to sell, poor things, one was shaking fro the cold, so we named him Shake shake.

Again we visited the artifact museum so I got some more photos of that, check out the "Mulan" horse!!

The old people must be really strong here, I got a photo of this old guy pulling 20 odd chairs strapped to theis wheelie cart thing.

Disaster struck friday evening, the TV broke so we couldn't play on the wii :(, however Louis introduced us to a very english series n his laptop , "the inbetweeners", good ol' english nostagia. We had a guy come in, but he can't fix the TV, looks like we need a new one...damn!

Two girls from the studio took us out for a meal at a dumpling place, I didn't know what I wanted so I randomly pointed at some things , turned out I bought donkey meat in dumplings and some grass stuff hahaha, wasn't too bad, but I'll stick to beef and chicken lol.

Today is the first day I've relaxed in ages, just at home writing the blog, not walking all over shanghai or working in the studio all day. Also had my first real deadline on friday, but got everyhing done, so wasn't too late getting home.