lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

Walking around in search of a SIM....

Ono Decided to wash the dog, so naturally she finds the dirtiest area on the balcony an wipes herself against it. Later that day we went off in search of sim cards for our phones and on the way we see two old people using a really odd way of creating popcorn. Didn't know what it was at firt, old man just turning this heavy cast iron tea pot shaped thingy on a spit roast then they pick it up, put one end near a bag and BOOM! it explodes scaring the s*** outta me. We got a photo later on of the exploding popcorn.

Near the apartment where we spend most of our sleeping nights there's what looks like a mini park/gym for old people, like the ones in Spain, some things like the pull up bar are cool, so I had a little work out with the old people in the morning, Im determined to find soeon who does kung fu, maybe an old master?

Later on Louis thought it was a good idea to go on the roof, so we al went up, you get a great view of Shanghai from up there, would be awesome to draw, I plan to do that one sunday!! :D

We found this other park with a pipe in covered up to keep warm, first time we all saw it we thought it was a small boy crying against the wall o I thought it funny to get some photos near it haha.

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