martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009


At work a girl from the other studio came over to work in the building I am in and so now she sits opposite me. She loves her strange foods and keeps telling me I should try pigs brain andduck blood soup and fish head soup, fish eyes and other bizarre things. Sounds fun...though not too keen on the brains...... :S...might try the ants she told me about. Also in some parts of china they get the very young mice, pick them up with chopsticks and dip them in vinegar, when the moue squeeks three times you know its ready to eat, so they call this dish "squeek squeek" hehehehe

My first real shopping experience was interesting, not used to the amount of people in a shopping centre so pushing the trolley around was a mission in itself. They had this fruit I have never sen before so I had to take a photo, I must hav elooked odd taking photos in the fruit and veg section hahaha XD. Also got a photo of the li'l crabs on offer and bought some new flavours to try out. The pot noodles here are like the pot noodles in England but TIMES x10!!! I got myself some frozen buns then found out we don't have anything at home to steam them, so stuffing myself with yummy Baozi (buns) would have to wait till i buy myself a steamer :(
Tomorrow we are off to the natural history museum then to the cinemas to watch Astro boy!!!!! Hopefully the weather will hold up, it got so cold in such a short amount of time, it's literally freezing cold now during the day. Lucky I brought my big coat!!

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